+447780 685562 or +441235 520780
What to expect
Our hosts have been carefully selected to give you the best possible experience whilst you are staying in the UK.
They will welcome you into their home and give you the opportunity to experience living as part of a British family.
Our families will provide you with breakfast, a packed lunch and dinner. They will be able to cater for dietary requirements if given notice . You will be staying with at least one of your friends and there may be up to four of you staying at the same home.
Your hosts will meet you from the coach when you first arrive and will take you back there when you leave. Sometimes we have several pick up points which will be nearer your home and you may be asked to walk here each morning.
You will be shown where this is.
Our local managers are always on hand to resolve any issues you may have to ensure you have a great experience whilst in the UK.